- just sold the last NQZ09 lot at 1716.50...
- for the swing trade: +14.25 NQ points/contract, 1 contract closed (1702.25 avg entry price)...
- for the day: +9.81 NQ points/contract, 3 contracts closed: +29.42 NQ points for the day...
- flat the NQ...
- NQ now green on the day, ES slightly red...
- MeVsWallstreet commented in an earlier post that he believes this move down may be a shakeout...i believe this as well...a close above the 1053ish pivot in the ES will increase my confidence in the shakeout concept...
- my original sell level for the first contract picked up during the chicago pmi based swoon, was at 1713.50...i changed it and was filled at 1709.50...
- my original sell level for the second contract picked up during the chicago pmi based swoon, was 1723.50...i changed it and was filled at 1716.50...
- both of these levels would have been hit, but my decision making process was being influenced by fear, and i lowered my exits...
- i cut my profit short by 4.00 NQ points on the first contract and 7.00 NQ points on the second contract...11.00 NQ points left on the table, for this series of trades...
***remember this is an illustration of what i am trading and my thinking...my trading plan may change without notice...this is not a recommendation for you or anyone else, to buy or sell this or any other security...trade at your own risk***
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