Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday February 15, 2011

***this is an illustration of what i am trading and/or what i am thinking...it is not a recommendation for you or anyone else to buy or sell this or any other security...trade at your own risk ***

    Thursday, February 10, 2011


    I believe PIMCO's Bill Gross provides a thoughtful analysis of the challenges that a developed nation like the US faces, in a global environment where developing nations are much more competitive than the developed ones.

    Bill's own summary of his article:

    "...The global economy is suffering from a lack of aggregate demand. With insufficient demand, nations compete furiously for their share of the diminishing growth pie..."

    "...In the U.S. and Euroland, many policies only temporarily bolster consumption while failing to address the fundamental problem of developed economies: Job growth is moving inexorably to developing economies because they are more competitive..."

    "...Unless developed economies learn to compete the old-fashioned way – by making more goods and making them better – the smart money will continue to move offshore to Asia, Brazil and their developing economy counterparts, both in asset and in currency space..."

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    ECRI hits it out of the park again...

    Is it really different this time? A cyclical perspective

    Starting to pay attention again.

    • I am starting to follow the financial markets again.
    • I am no longer trading for a living or even trading to generate additional income.
    • I continue to monitor and trade/invest my retirement assets.
    • Currently helping to manage quality on the global order management systems for the second largest e-tailer on the web. I believe this company is a terrific organization that is constantly focusing on improving their products, services and processes. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of their culture and to help them achieve their goals.