Monday, October 19, 2009

Trader Psyches' 'Psychological Capital Tips and Tricks', 10/18/2009 issue, highlights the 'fear of missing' concept.

The following is taken from Trader Psyches' 'Psychological Capital Tips and Tricks', 10/18/2009 Issue (i can't find a link to this issue or where to sign up for the free distribution of it....if you are interested, then email them at ):

"...Behavioral and neuroscientific evidence has shown in multiple studies that the fear of missing out is more motivating than the fear of losing money or the the knowledge that you have a better chance of making money if you wait.(Weber & Johnson, Columbia)

What can you do? You know this happens and after-wards you say "how stupid" and promise not to do it again. But then...

The key lies in developing an awareness level of your own feelings, urges and motivations that equals or even surpasses that of your awareness of what the markets are doing.

Using that valuable knowledge of your own biases, impulses and feelings can literally be the very best risk management tool you have!..."


  1. i get caught up in the 'fear of missing' dyanmic pretty is almost a constant companion over here!
