- sold one NQZ09 at 1716.50 during the overnight session...
- this trade: +10.75 NQ points/contract, 1 contract closed...
- this exit made me flat the NQ...
- big gap up this am...i was looking for a gap fill and was bidding 1712.50 for 1 contract...changed the entry price and was filled at 1713.50...
- offered this contract out at 1722.50...when the bounce back up got stuck under 1720, 1 got nervous that the 1722.50 target would not be reached this am, so i exited at market, 1718.50....
- this trade: +5 NQ points/contract, 1 contract closed...
- today: +7.88 NQ points/contract, 2 contracts closed...
- the above NQZ09 15M chart is not showing the correct historical fills again...it is showing two contracts exited on today's first 15M bar, but only 1 should be displayed there...yesterday's exit at 1702.25 is not being shown...
- this is an ongoing issue with tradestation's platform, and hopefully will rectify itself soon...it is usually associated with some bad/missing historical data in the TCache folder... i removed the TCache folder (to no avail) and am currently using the latest version (8.6 build 2674 beta)...
- still a bit off my game today...2 of the 3 fills today were not at my original targets, primarily because of fear...
- at the highs today, NQ was trading about 2% below its last swing high (1753), while the ES was trading about 1% below its last swing high (1076)...ES still showing some rs compared to the NQ, primarily due to XLF out performance and SMH under performance...i prefer rallies that are led by the NQ, however the financials led this market down and are now leading it back up, so periodic out performance by the ES compared to the NQ is less of an issue during this market cycle in my view...
- i am still bullish longer term on both the ES and the NQ, though would not be surprised and would actually welcome, a whoosh down during earnings season...
- currently flat the NQZ09 and bidding for 1 contract at 1712.50...
Disclosure: no positions in the securities mentioned.
***remember this is an illustration of what i am trading and my thinking...it is not a recommendation for you or anyone else to buy or sell this or any other security...trade at your own risk**
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