Monday, August 24, 2009

8/24/2009 post close update

NQU09 discretionary swing trade:

  • very narrow day for the NQU09 today...
  • still long 1 contract at 1635.50...
  • current orders to sell limit 1656.50 and to buy a second contract at limit 1617.50...
  • working on building an indicator that plots an average true range (ATR) projection for the High range and the Low range of the current trading addition to the obvious pivot points on a 15 minute chart, i am incorporating these High and Low range projections into my thinking when determining buy and sell levels for the NQU09...
Systemic swing model rebuild:

  • the $IDX and the $RUT.X data series on TradeStation incorrectly reports the Daily Bar's opening uses the previous Daily bar's Closing price, and thus there are no Opening gaps...this inaccurate data was effecting the entry filters and the stops for models that use these data series...a different data series is now being used as a proxy for the S&P 400 (MDY) and the Russell 2000 (IWM)...
  • the 'BO IDX' model was rebuilt on the MDY data is being discontinued because it is not robust...this discontinuation saved me some money today as the old 'BO IDX' model generated an entry signal for this past friday's close which would have posted a 0.50% stop loss today...i am pretty psyched to have finally had a model rebuild that worked in my favor...
  • 'BTBT IDX' and 'BTBT RUT' have been successfully rebuilt using the new data series'...
  • there is a lot more testing/building to be done, but progress is being made...
VCM daytrading:

  • learning a trading style that gets my position bigger as it goes in my favor, as opposed to getting bigger when it goes out of my favor...very interested in continuing to learn more about this style...

Disclosure: Long NQU09.

***remember this is an illustration of what i am trading and my trading plan may change without notice...this is not a recommendation for you or anyone else, to buy or sell this or any other security...***

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